Monday 10 March 2014

Can We Call Them Leaders Of Tomorrow???

These are our kids. We say the future belongs to them. Do these kids really look like they're ready for what tomorrow will bring? It's not just our boys who dress like this and think not about the future. The nothing-to-write-home-about skimpy dressing of our daughters only leaves a sour taste in the mouth.

Now, before you start pointing at the picture and shouting "They're not Africans, they're African Americans," let me be quick to remind you that I have seen a whole lot of African youth dress in worse ways than this in Lagos, Umuahia, Port Harcourt, Calabar, Abuja, etc and what have you.

The African American youth blame all their woes on slavery. In Africa, we blame our kids' (who, by the way, know nothing about slavery) own problems on "Uwa Nmebi."

When are we gonna quit blaming the white man for all our shortcomings and begin to teach our young men and women aright, with a view to preparing for a better tomorrow for our generations to come? Whatever happened to the popular Nigerian saying "If you wanna be a millionaire, think like a millionaire?"

Parents, start being parents again biko!

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